The Peak District Survival School offers a variety of outdoor activities and courses in Derbyshire and North Staffordshire. Mark Fox and a team of experienced instructors lead these courses, catering to different abilities and interests. They focus on providing a unique and enjoyable outdoor learning experience that is both challenging and fun. To learn more about their offerings, you can contact them for additional information.
Submitted by Roger Chandler on 29/10/2023
Over the weekend, I participated in the Level 3 Range Master, Outdoor Axe, Knife, and Tomahawk Throwing Instructor course with Mark and Matt at their Peak District site. It was a fantastic and enjoyable two days. Mark and Matt provided expert guidance on safety, technique, and the business aspects of operating an axe-throwing range. Thanks to this course, I now possess the skills, commercial insight, and confidence to run my own range. I highly recommend their courses and look forward to attending more in the future.